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Tossed and Torqued

  • 30-01-2025

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Delivery 2-3 min.


Start in 10-15 min.


Any difficulty mode.


Start in 20-30 min.


Playing with Gladiators.


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This quest can be obtained and completed in the location Undermine.

What needs to be done?

According to the quest conditions, you need to find and remove five items, and after that (second condition) find an important document.

How to complete?

  1. Go to the coordinates: /way 31.12, 30.39.
  2. You will see a three-story building. Enter and go up to the third floor.
  3. There you will find Tossed Papers (x5). Clear them from the floor.
  4. Once you do this, an important document will appear on the floor. Pick it up.
  5. After that, leave the building and head to the coordinates: /way 32.26, 30.98, where a friendly NPC will be waiting for you.
  6. Turn in the quest and receive your reward.

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