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Dumpster Fire

  • 10-01-2025

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Delivery 2-3 min.


Start in 10-15 min.


Any difficulty mode.


Start in 20-30 min.


Playing with Gladiators.


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This world quest can be obtained at the junkyard in the Undermine at coordinates: /way 64.48, 79.76.

What to do?

  • According to the quest conditions, you need to extinguish 8 burning crates.

How to extinguish the crates?

To extinguish the burning crates, use the water cannon. You will receive it automatically as soon as you enter the quest area. The cannon will appear as an additional button on your action bar. Aim the water stream at a crate and extinguish it.

Can't see the water cannon?

If the water cannon does not appear, your interface may be misconfigured. To fix this issue, install one of our free interface templates for World of Warcraft.


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