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Slugger the Smart

  • 29-01-2025

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Delivery 2-3 min.


Start in 10-15 min.


Any difficulty mode.


Start in 20-30 min.


Playing with Gladiators.


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This elite NPC resides in the location Undermine. You can find him at the coordinates: /way 52.35, 41.02. He stands motionless near a wall on the corner of a house next to a control panel, constantly tinkering with something.

Respawn: 78-80 minutes (~1.5 hours).


This rare NPC is a highly dangerous creature. If your character's overall item level is less than 570, it is not recommended to fight him alone. It's better to call a friend or find a random player to help you defeat him together.


The most dangerous ability of this NPC is the vampirism spell, which drains your character's health and restores the monster's health. Be sure to interrupt this spell! If you don't, the NPC will constantly restore 100% of its health, and you won't be able to kill it. Moreover, in this case, it will likely kill you first.

Battle Tips:

  1. Spell Interruption: Focus on interrupting the vampirism spell. This is the key to the battle.

  2. Teamwork: If your item level is below 570, fight in a group of 2–3 players.

  3. Control: This NPC is immune to stuns, slows, etc., so don't waste time and energy on these abilities.

  4. Healing: The monster deals a lot of damage, so focus on healing your character using abilities or potions.

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