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Many players wonder why this NPC is needed in the game and how to interact with him. In this guide you will find answers to these and other questions.

Where is this NPC located?

This NPC is located in the Revendreth location at the coordinates: /way 46.30, 77.77.

Who can interact with this NPC?

Only players who have sworn allegiance to Venthyr can interact with this NPC.

What does this NPC do and what is it for?

This NPC grants the quest Takin' Down the Beast, the completion of which grants access to the next stage of interaction. After completing the quest, the player can talk to Wingsmash to charge up the Dredterror Ballista. The Ballista then fires a huge arrow at Harika the Horrid, activating her and provoking her to engage in battle. This, in turn, gives players a small chance to get a mount — Horrid Dredwing.

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