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PvE Healer Rankings for WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 5

  • 01-10-2024

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Delivery in 5-10 minutes.


Start in 30 minutes.


Any difficulty mode.


Carry in two hours.


Playing with Gladiators.


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Healers in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 5

Ratings for other roles: ⚔️ DPS / 🛡️ Tanks.

This PvE ranking is based on numerous tests of different classes in a variety of situations, including conditions of maximum difficulty. During the experiments, all healers were tested on various game parameters such as: maximum possible healing, mobility, amount of healing per second, ability to prevent and/or quickly replenish significant damage. Based on the comparisons, a “Tier List” was created where healers of all classes from WoW SoD season 5 are ranked from most effective to least effective.

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Tier list - Healers in WoW SoD Season 5




  • Paladin
  • Priest


  • Shaman
  • Mage
  • Druid

The rating is made thanks to the labor of many professional player-testers on PTR servers.

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