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Council of Dreams

  • 20-11-2023

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Council of Dreams Guide + Tactics

In the breathtaking raid - Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope, the fourth place among all bosses is proudly occupied by 3 bosses from the so-called Council of Dreams.

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General Info:

  • All bosses have their own regular abilities + ultimates, which activate at 100 energy. Ultimate kills all raid members, this ability can and should be interrupted by the active regular abilities of another boss. The battle is cyclical.
  • The essence of the mechanic: Pip's Polymorph Bomb ability interrupts ultimate Urctos. Urctos' Barreling Charge ability interrupts ultimate Aerwynn. Aerwynn's Noxious Blossom ability interrupts Pip's ultimate.
  • On this boss it is maximally correct to choose and use talents in such a way that you can deal damage not on one target, but on several targets at once. Almost all the time the two bosses are together. The tank keeps Urctos on him, bringing this boss to the nearest of the two bosses.
  • Aerwynn and Pip have the same amount of health. Urctos has about 66% more health compared to the other two bosses. Melee fighters always prioritize hitting Urctos, while ranged fighters level up the health of the other bosses.
  • The boss fight lasts an incredibly long time. Perhaps the point of the battle is that either you kill the boss or the healers will run out of mana. There is no enrage difficulty in heroic mode (a search for records of battles lasting over 15:56 failed to find any).
  • Mythic: Aerwynn and Urctos together start the fight at 50% energy. The boss's enrage comes at 08:00.

Boss Abilities

Title Description Explanation of "What to do?"

General Boss Abilities:

Rebirth When the bosses health drops to 1 unit, Rebirth is activated, which restores his health as long as other council members are still alive.
Normal: 30% / Heroic: 50% / Mythic: 100%.
You need to kill the bosses at the same time. You have about 15 seconds to successfully finish the first boss.
Dream Tactics Mythic: In this difficulty mode, bosses begin to coordinate their actions. This interaction results in two bosses gaining 100 energy at the same time. Two bosses simultaneously use their ultimate against players.


Blind Rage When the boss accumulates 100 energy, it becomes furious. Under the influence of rage, the boss begins to deal 83k physical AoE damage to all members of the group. The rage lasts for 20 seconds and deals damage every 2 seconds. Ultimate boss - spell casts for 2 seconds.
Ursine Rage If the Blind Rage ability was not interrupted, the boss's damage will increase by 500%. If you don't interrupt the spell reading, the boss will kill all characters in lightning speed.
Barreling Charge

Randomly focuses on a player and after 5 seconds makes a dash towards them. The dash deals 166k physical damage to all characters in its path.
The boss uses its Thundering Impact ability at the moment of impact.
Heroic / Mythic: Imposes a debuff that increases the damage of the Barreling Charge ability by 500 (30 seconds duration).

It is necessary to split the damage in groups by splitting the characters 50/50 beforehand. Barreling Charge interrupts ultimate Aerwynn.
Thundering Impact The boss roars, dealing 1.2M physical damage to all characters with its roar. The effect decreases with each affected player. The more characters involved in the split, the less damage the boss will deal with this ability. Damage sharing is necessary. Several options are possible: 1) Split players 50/50 or 2) Melee Fighters / Range Fighters.
Agonizing Claws (Tank) A powerful tank attack that hits all those who are in front of the boss's face. Affects the affected target for 30 seconds, increasing the damage of the next Agonizing Clawsability by 500%. Massively defeat all those who stand in front of the boss face next to the main tank. The active tank must stand alone and survive the strike on its own under defensive abilities. Tanks change by 1 hit each.


Constricting Thicket Creates grass that deals 33k damage every second and reduces movement speed by 7%. Every 3 seconds this effect is reinforced (summed up).
If she is unstoppable, then the boss unleashes Relentless Barrage.
Ultimate boss - the ability reads for 4 seconds and lasts for 18 seconds. You must channel Urctos' boss ability called Barreling Charge to interrupt Aerwynn's ability.
Relentless Barrage The boss unleashes a furious bombardment, launching darts at all characters every second. Each hit deals instant direct damage and also poisons the victim for 30 seconds (cumulative). Failure to interrupt Constricting Thicket will result in the imminent death of all raid members.
Noxious Blossom Flowers appear, dealing a small amount of periodic damage every 3 seconds. Infinite debuff on characters, deals damage from the number of flowers in the arena.
One player in the duck can clear 3 flowers (just run through them).
After the third flower, the duck is full and can pull off the transformation.
Corrosive Pollen Air near Noxious Blossom deals 124k damage once every 0.5 seconds Stand back.
Necessary to interrupt ultimate Pip. Need to get 202k+ damage in flower (that's 2-3 hits from the effect).
Poisonous Javelin The boss chooses a random character and throws arrows at that character, which immediately (instantly) deal 100k instant damage to the character and cause a negative effect that deals 50k periodic damage of fairly moderate severity. This periodic damage is triggered every second and lasts for 10 seconds. In addition, this effect reduces the movement speed of the affected target by 30%.
Mythic: when the effect ends, an explosion occurs, damaging all characters within a radius of 10 meters from the epicenter of the explosion.
This poison can and should be dispelled. To prevent other players from taking damage, the poisoned character must move away from the group and only then perform the poison cleansing.
Unstable Venom Mythic: a cloud of poison erupts from the character, dealing 415k damage from the forces of nature to other characters within 10 meters. Malicious rings, need to be taken away from the players.


Polymorph Bomb Through magic, the boss turns characters into funny and clumsy ducks for 12 seconds.
This effect is the only way to interrupt Urctos' Blind Rage ability by turning the boss into a duck when he casts a spell. Otherwise, this effect cannot be used on the boss.
Heroic / Mythic: when the effect ends, characters within a radius of 7 meters turn into ducks.
Normal: when the effect ends, it paralyzes nearby players for 3 seconds.
While Urctos is uttering the Blind Rage ability, you must get as close to the boss as possible and turn it into a duck.
Other times in Normal: get out of shape and don't hurt anyone, and in Heroic / Mythic: sometimes you need to infect other characters if necessary (watch the timers).
Slippery ВIn duck form, the damage from the forces of nature is reduced by 99%. Flowers on the ground do almost no damage, you can eat them to cleanse yourself faster. 3 effects.
Preen You can remove the duck shape if you have removed all the effects from Slippery. Once the three effects have been removed, you may exit the duck. Removing the duck from the player hangs the duck on all surrounding players and Urctos. With this mechanic it is possible to interrupt the ultimate Urctos or pass the duck around.
Quack! In duck form, you can increase your movement speed by 100% for 6 seconds. The ability used, is located on the game panel.
Emerald Winds The boss creates a flurry of gusting wind, dealing 166k damage to all characters and repelling them, additionally dealing 33k periodic damage for seconds. Instant strike for 166k damage + periodic damage for a total of 200k. In the end, one character takes a total of 366k damage.
Whimsical Gust Mythic: the boss creates swirling vortexes around the arena. On direct impact with a character, these malicious vortices deal 249k damage to the character at once and instantly knock back any characters they come in contact with. You need to avoid contact with the vortices (dodge).
Song of the Dragon Upon accumulating 100 energy, this funny little boss puts a shield on all players that absorbs damage from a boss ability called Noxious Blossom. The character needs to purposefully take 202k damage from the flowers that appear in order to break this shield. Otherwise, the player will inevitably receive a medium duration stun for a full 15 seconds and 250k damage in 1 second. Ultimate boss - players with a shield must go into a flower to remove that shield. You may have to stand for up to 2-3 ticks in the flower. Before this mechanic, you can't clear flowers to zero.

For Tanks:

  • Watch the timers for Urctos - Agonizing Claws ability and turn away from the raid in time when moving.
  • Always try to bring Urctos to the closest boss to deal damage to two bosses at once.
  • Heroic: tank changing: 00:00 - Tank А / 00:06 - Tank В / 00:30 - Tank В / 00:36 - Tank А.

For Healers:

  • Use mass defense abilities while crossing two Ultimates from bosses.

For DPS:

  • Information for Melee Fighters: Be careful, the Urctos boss' Barreling Charge is wider than it looks at first glance. It is possible to die if you are vulnerable.
  • Information for ranged fighters: if you choose to split Barreling Charge between melee and ranged fighters (mdd/rdd), it is recommended that ranged fighters stand closer to the Aerwynn boss by the time of its ultimate timer, since Barreling Charge will be brought in and you will need to split it. This way you'll have time to split and can deal more damage. During Barreling Charge - Urctos pushes characters away and interrupts them from reading any spells, so be sure to keep this important point in mind.

Very helpful tips:

  • A filter bar for logs to filter and see the insidious abilities and ultimate timers of bosses: NOT IN (420671, 420714, 421777, 421762, 421501, 421570, 421570, 421020, 420946, 420951, 420948, 420856, 421024, 421031, 418757, 145629).
  • To keep your melee fighters from wasting time on useless running, leave them 1-2 flowers in the Aerwynn / Urctos melee zone so that during Song of the Dragon they can quickly enter them without losing damage.

Useful information on tactics:

  • All bosses are very mobile and actively move around the battle arena. Unfortunately, you will not be able to deal a lot of stable AoE damage to multiple targets evenly throughout the fight. Urctos has a large amount of health compared to the other bosses, so the task of the tanks is to constantly bring this boss to the second closest boss to optimize damage.
  • The notes detail which ducks can be spent entirely on flowers, and which ones are better to pass on to interrupt ultimate Urctos. Also, the notes detail which flowers on the field can be cleaned to zero, and which ones will definitely be useful for interrupting the ultimate boss.

Boss energy charts

Heroic (HC):

urctos, aerwynn, pip, tactics, schedule, guide, energy, bosses, combat

Mythic (Epochal):

urctos, aerwynn, pip, tactics, schedule, guide, energy, bosses, combat


Positioning during boss fights

council of dreams, urctos, aerwynn, pip, tactics, guide, energy, bosses, combat, positioning
council of dreams, urctos, aerwynn, pip, tactics, guide, energy, bosses, combat, positioning
council of dreams, urctos, aerwynn, pip, tactics, guide, energy, bosses, combat, positioning
council of dreams, urctos, aerwynn, pip, tactics, guide, energy, bosses, combat, positioning


Timings during a boss fight

Table №1 - Heroic difficulty mode

Heroic (HC) - Boss timers Heroic (HC) - note in MRT format
00:29 Charge - split the damage {time:00:40} Pass 1 duck
00:40 Ducks - transfer to Urctos {time:02:08} Split the damage and direct it to Aerwynn
00:59 Rage - interrupt with a duck {time:02:54} Leave a few flowers
01:00 Ducks - you can use all of them {time:03:14} The song - walk into the flowers
01:38 Charge - split the damage  
01:49 Ducks - you can use all of them {time:04:14} Pass 1 duck
02:08 Charge - split the damage and direct it to Aerwynn {time:05:41} Split the damage and direct it to Aerwynn
02:09 Arrows - interrupt with Urctos {time:06:27} Leave a few flowers
02:35 Ducks - you can use all of them {time:06:47} The song - walk into the flowers
02:43 Charge - split the damage  
02:54 Ducks - leave a few blossoms for uptake {time:07:47} Pass 1 duck
03:14 The song - walk into the flowers {time:09:05} Split the damage and direct it to Aerwynn
03:55 Ducks - you can use all of them {time:09:52} Leave a few flowers
CYCLE {time:10:12} The song - walk into the flowers
04:03 Charge - split the damage    
04:14 Ducks - transfer to Urctos    
04:34 Rage - interrupt with a duck    
04:35 Ducks - you can use all of them    
05:10 Charge - split the damage    
05:22 Ducks - you can use all of them    
05:41 Charge - split the damage and direct it to Aerwynn    
05:42 Arrows - interrupt with Urctos    
06:08 Ducks - you can use all of them    
06:16 Charge - split the damage    
06:27 Ducks - leave a few blossoms for uptake    
06:47 The song - walk into the flowers    
07:28 Ducks - you can use all of them    
07:36 Charge - split the damage    
07:47 Ducks - transfer to Urctos    
08:03 Rage - interrupt with a duck    
08:06 Ducks - you can use all of them    
08:35 Charge - split the damage    
08:46 Ducks - you can use all of them    
09:05 Charge - split the damage and direct it to Aerwynn    
09:06 Arrows - interrupt with Urctos    
09:33 Ducks - you can use all of them    
09:41 Charge - split the damage    
09:52 Ducks - leave a few blossoms for uptake    
10:12 The song - walk into the flowers    


Table № 2 - Mythical Complexity Mode

Mythic - Boss timers Mythic - note in MRT format
Most powerful boss abilities (ultimate): 00:33 Barreling Charge - raid members need to split the damage
00:58 Urctos + Aerwynn 00:36 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
02:05 Aerwynn + Pip 00:56 Polymorph Bomb - transfer to Urctos
03:14 Pip + Urctos 00:58 Blind Rage - interrupt with a duck
04:24 Urctos + Aerwynn 01:00 Constricting Thicket - must be interrupted
05:32 Aerwynn + Pip 01:05 Barreling Charge - must be interrupted
06:41 Pip + Urctos 01:24 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
07:51 Urctos + Aerwynn 01:40 Barreling Charge - raid members need to split the damage
    01:43 Polymorph Bomb - to leave flowers under the boss
    02:04 Song of the Dragon - go into the flowers
    02:06 Constricting Thicket - must be interrupted
    02:11 Barreling Charge - must be interrupted
    02:34 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    02:50 Barreling Charge - must be interrupted
    02:53 Polymorph Bomb - transfer to Urctos
    03:14 Song of the Dragon - go into the flowers
    03:14 Blind Rage - interrupt with a duck
    03:44 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    04:01 Barreling Charge - must be interrupted
    04:03 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    04:23 Polymorph Bomb - transfer to Urctos
    04:24 Blind Rage - interrupt with a duck
    04:26 Constricting Thicket - must be interrupted
    04:34 Barreling Charge - the raid members need to split the damage and interrupt
    04:52 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    05:08 Barreling Charge - must be interrupted
    05:11 Polymorph Bomb - to leave a few flowers under the boss
    05:32 Song of the Dragon - go into the flowers
    05:34 Constricting Thicket - must be interrupted
    05:39 Barreling Charge - must be interrupted
    06:01 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    06:17 Barreling Charge - raid members need to split the damage
    06:20 Polymorph Bomb - transfer to Urctos
    06:41 Song of the Dragon - go into the flowers
    06:41 Blind Rage - interrupt with a duck
    07:11 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    07:27 Barreling Charge - raid members need to split the damage
    07:30 Polymorph Bomb - you can use all of them
    07:49 Polymorph Bomb - transfer to Urctos
    07:51 Blind Rage - interrupt with a duck
    07:53 Constricting Thicket - must be interrupted
    08:01 Enrage - the death of all raid members

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