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10.2 DPS Tier list in WoW Dragonflight
Be sure to check out the rankings from start to finish to find out exactly who is the most profitable to play in Season 3 of WoW Dragonflight.
Ratings are compiled in tier list format using the commonly used class efficiency letters (S, A, B, C, D), where "S" stands for the strongest (Meta / Best / Top) and "D" stands for the weakest (such characters are best not to play). This ranking includes characters of absolutely all classes and specializations, both melee (Mdd) and ranged (Rdd) from WoW Dragonflight 10.2 (Season 3).
A detailed study of the information presented in this guide will help you make the right choice on your way to gaming success. Use this guide to create a strong character, invite the best fighters to your group or raid, which will give you the highest DPS in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope raid, as well as speed up and simplify your progress through Mythic+ dungeons in Season 3.
In the rating tables, characters of all classes and specializations are ranked from the most effective and strongest, to the weakest. At the same time, this rating is designed to take into account the fact that the character will be dressed in the most BiS equipment and correctly collected percentages of characteristics. If these conditions are not met, then you can observe in the game a little different results of gamers.
To conclude the above, do not forget that you should not try to gather in a raid or group to carry dungeons only the top characters of a certain class and talent specialization. When forming groups, always remember that each class has both its strengths and weaknesses, as well as different class abilities that may come in handy depending on the situation.
DPS Effectiveness Rating in Raids (Season 3)
The ranking is based on the actual effectiveness of the classes, provided that the characters choose talents that are maximally optimized for raiding and with properly collected major and minor characteristics.
Class |
Specialization |
Abbreviation |
S |
- | - | - |
A |
Demon Hunter | Havoc | DH |
Evoker | Augmentation | Aug, Dracthyr, Dragon |
Shaman | Enhancement | Enh, Sham |
Hunter | Beast Mastery | BM, Hunt |
Rogue | Assassination | Assassin, Poison |
Rogue | Subtlety | Sub, SD |
Druid | Feral | Cat, Dru |
B |
Mage | Arcane | - |
Mage | Fire | - |
Druid | Balance | Moonkin, Owl, Dru |
Rogue | Outlaw | Pirate, Combat |
Warrior | Fury | War |
Shaman | Elemental | Elem, Sham |
Hunter | Survival | Surv, Hunt |
Warlock | Demonology | Demon, Lock |
Death Knight | Frost | DK |
Mage | Frost | - |
C |
Evoker | Devastation | Dev, Dracthyr, Dragon |
Warrior | Arms | War |
Priest | Shadow | SP |
Paladin | Retribution | Retri, Retro, Pal |
Warlock | Destruction | Destr, Fire, Lock |
Death Knight | Unholy | Unh, DK |
D |
Hunter | Marksmanship | MM, Hunt |
Warlock | Affliction | Affli, Lock |
Monk | Windwalker | WW |
DPS Efficiency Rating in Mythic+ (Season 3)
The rankings are based on the actual effectiveness of the classes, provided the characters choose talents maximally optimized for Mythic+ dungeons and with properly assembled major and minor characteristics.
Class |
Specialization |
Abbreviation |
S |
Evoker | Augmentation | Aug, Dracthyr, Dragon |
Demon Hunter | Havoc | DH |
A |
Mage | Fire | - |
Mage | Frost | - |
Druid | Balance | Moonkin, Owl, Dru |
Shaman | Enhancement | Enh, Sham |
Rogue | Outlaw | Pirate, Combat |
Hunter | Beast Mastery | BM, Hunt |
Warlock | Demonology | Demon, Lock |
B+ |
Rogue | Assassination | Assassin, Poison |
Warrior | Fury | War |
Rogue | Subtlety | Sub, SD |
Paladin | Воздаяние | Retri, Retro, Pal |
Death Knight | Unholy | Unh, DK |
Hunter | Marksmanship | MM, Hunt |
B- |
Evoker | Devastation | Dev, Dracthyr, Dragon |
Druid | Feral | Cat, Dru |
Monk | Windwalker | WW |
Hunter | Survival | Surv, Hunt |
Death Knight | Frost | DK |
Warlock | Affliction | Affli, Lock |
Mage | Arcane | - |
Shaman | Elemental | Elem, Sham |
C |
Warrior | Arms | War |
Warlock | Destruction | Destr, Fire, Lock |
D |
Priest | Shadow | SP |
P.S. If you are a beginner or average player, then choose characters to play based on your personal preferences. If you don't plan on timing out Mythic+20 and above keystones, and you don't intend to kill all Mythic raid bosses, then play the character you like. META class characters are only needed to race progress or provide boosting services.