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Bloodgullet - how to get [Guide]

In the first WoW Dragonflight 10.0 patch, the developers added a new unique spectral pet for the hunter (hunt) class. This rare pet belongs to the category of "secret WoW pets", and its appearance is made in ghostly stylization. To tame Bloodgullet, players need to fulfill a small list of mandatory tasks, the entire list of which is published in this article.

Conditions for getting Bloodgullet:

According to available information, this rare pet is not available to all hunters, but only to those who have the "Beast Mastery" (BM) talent specialization selected. If for some reason you are playing in another talent specialization, but still want to get this beautiful pet, then temporarily choose the "Beast Mastery" specialization for the duration of your task.

Bloodgullet Taming Instructions:

Bloodgullet resides in the spirit world, so it is hidden from the eyes of common players. Even a BM hunt can't just see this mysterious creature from the otherworld of spirits. To be able to see this mystical creature, gamers need to use a special item called "Essence of Awakening". Interaction with which, imposes on the character a special effect that allows you to see the ghostly spirit Bloodgullet in the space of the real world in WoW.

To get the effect of "Essence of Awakening", the hunter must go to Timberstep Outpost in Ohn'ahran Plains location. After that, the player must find an abandoned hunters' cabin (exact coordinates: 85.72, 20.81) and get a buff, the duration of which is exactly 60 minutes (1 hour). Next, the character must go to the centaur settlement - Maruukai. After that, begin a grueling but exciting search for Bloodgullet, who walks carefree in the pastures along the flowing river mouth.

Pictures of all the places and items needed

Location in which the event is performed

Secret hunters' hut (location on map)

Ohn'ahran Plains, wow map, world of warcraft map Ohn'ahran Plains, wow map, world of warcraft map

Secret hunters' hut (exterior view)

An object to interact with

hunters house, hunters hut, centaur house Essence of Awakening, wow item, positive effect

The area in which to look for the spirit of Bloodgullet

Ohn'ahran Plains, wow map, world of warcraft map

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